ABA Research Options in Oregon


Option 1

This first opportunity involves helping to conduct research in Dr. Suzanne Mitchell’s lab at OHSU.

To find out more about Dr. Mitchell, please click on the following link: https://www.ohsu.edu/people/suzanne-h-mitchell-phd

According to Dr. Mitchell, her research focuses on the following:

  • Individual differences in how we’re discounting all sorts of costs and gains and losses
  • Psychological processes and neural processes underlying these differences
  • How do those differences relate to wellness and psychopathology

We currently have 2 active studies. One examines delay discounting in rats, and seeks to create genetically selected lines of high and low discounting rats and better understand the genetics of discounting and how those differences result in neural differences that in turn influence behavior. The other project is developing a task to assess effort discounting and determining whether individuals diagnosed with specific psychopathologies (ADHD currently) discount more/less than healthy controls.

Should you be interested in this first option, please contact Dr. Mitchell using the following information:


Option 2

Dr. Ryan Olson is a Professor at the Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences, Professor at OHSU-PSU School of Public Health, and a Co-Director at the Oregon Health Workforce Center at Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences. He is also a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Organizational Behavior Management and a charter member of the Society of Occupational Healthy Psychology.

To find out more about Dr. Olson’s research lab, please click on the following link: https://www.ohsu.edu/oregon-institute-occupational-health-sciences/ryan-olson-lab

 According to Dr. Olson, his research areas of interest include the following:

  • Safety and health interventions for lone workers
  • Behavioral self-management methods
  • Occupational safety and health interventions
  • Total worker health
  • Safety and health interventions for lone workers
  • Obesity, Sleep, Diet, and Exercise


There are 5 current projects at the Ryan Olson lab which include:

  1. Tech4Rest- A randomized controlled trial in the pilot phase that is designed for team trucker drivers with a goal of reducing fatigue, improving sleep, and increasing the well-being for a team of drivers who face a challenging sleep environment.
  2. Success & Health Impacts For Transit operators during Onboarding (SHIFT Onboard)- An enhanced training to support new bus operators throughout their first year in that role.
  3. Safety and Health Involvement For Truck drivers- A weight and health promotion for commercial truck drivers that is now being adapted for bus operators focusing on long-term prevention of weight-related health conditions and while also supporting job satisfaction, well-being, and overall work performance for new staff.
  4. Oregon Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (OR-Face)- A program focused on preventing occupational fatalities through the use of surveillance, targeted investigation, assessment, and outreach that has been associated with traumatic work-related deaths in the state of Oregon.
  5. Community of Practice And Safety Supports (COMPASS)- A peer-led social support program with group intervention that focuses on improving social resources, reducing the risk of injuries, and promoting health amongst caregivers.

Should you be interested in this option, please contact Dr. Olson using the following information:

  • Email: olsonry@ohsu.edu
  • Office phone: 503-494-2501