ORABA Clinic Directory
Welcome to the ORABA Clinic Directory! This feature allows families and clinicians to search for clinical ABA services in the state of Oregon.
Please click here to search in our directory. We recommend checking back often as this directory will change and grow over time.
To be added to our directory, please fill out the form linked below. You will be prompted to set up a new company membership. This membership is FREE. When you sign up, you will be prompted to fill in information about your organization. This membership is valid for 1 year, you will receive an email when your membership is expiring to prompt you to renew. If you do not renew, your directory listing will no longer be visible on our website.
**If you receive an error message when you click join now, please insure you are logged out of your personal ORABA account. You will make a new directory account with a different email.***
You will need to log out of a personal account to make a new directory account. If you are a sole practitioner and currently use your professional email for your personal account, we suggest you change your personal account to a personal email, and use your professional email for the directory.
